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What I learnt this morning...

May 18, 2015
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Hi all,

Had a good morning flying a local castle site this morning.
As they say..... Everyday is a school day and I learnt a couple of things that gave rise to a few questions.

Firstly, I ran 3 batteries all takeoffs and landings within a meter or so of each other.... first two had no issues.

Before I took off on the 3rd I did my IMU check and it recommended a calibration.

On reflection, I should have moved the AC a little and rechecked.... But I didn't I did the IMU calibration.
10 minutes later I completed my checks and I took off.

Something didn't feel right. But it was flying OK.
Then the AC struggled to control altitude. It ascended slowly without input. I applied down stick and lowered the landing gear and brought the AC to a safe landing.

I power cycled everything.
Calibrated the compass and did a full check. IMU was fine.
I took off and all appeared to be fine.


1. Should I have carried out the IMU calibration? (i suspect not)
2. Should I have power cycled and compass calibrated after the IMU calibration (before flight)..... (i suspect I should)
3. If so, would this error cause the symptom described?

Aside from this one incident all was great i really enjoyed getting a decent flight session in (previously I'd only had single battery sessions.)

One other question.

4. In your opinion, Is beginner mode dangerous?
I ask because I it hit me today that this setting would surely prevent the user saving an out of control flight 'manually'.
I was not flying in beginner mode today.

Hi Richard! !
Welcome to inspirepilots.com. .
Generally the only time you should do an imu calabration is after a firmware update or a hard crash ,and after a imu calibration you should calibrate your compass. .
Anytime your i1 doesn't fly correctly I'd suspect the compass first..
When you get a good calibration stick with it. .
I was in favor of a compass calibration when moving to a new location ,but I didn't calibrate mine after traveling 180 miles and had no issues at all..
Make sure and check your mod values and if everything lines up and it flys good then stick with it..
If your i1 malfunctions or gives you a prompt to do something you don't feel is right then power down and start over..
happy flying. .
turbo. ..
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Cheers turbo.

The more I have been thinking about this I have com to the conclusion my AC was just riding an up draft. I was flying at the too of a hill in a moderate wind.

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Cheers turbo.

The more I have been thinking about this I have com to the conclusion my AC was just riding an up draft. I was flying at the too of a hill in a moderate wind.

Look at anabatic and katabatic winds....can explain a lot :).
We have to learn about them as part of commercial UAV certification!
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