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Why won’t it start

Nov 17, 2017
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Ok, It’s been a couple of months without flying, but this one has me stumped and probably a very simple fix. But, had some time to go for a fly today but couldn’t get off the ground. Updated the good old ” no fly zones”, video feed, camera control, 14 satellite, ready to fly, up stick and nothing.

I’ve checked everything I can think of so it is time to reach out to the brains trust here. Any ideas??? I’m out of them.

Thanks in advance
Ok, It’s been a couple of months without flying, but this one has me stumped and probably a very simple fix. But, had some time to go for a fly today but couldn’t get off the ground. Updated the good old ” no fly zones”, video feed, camera control, 14 satellite, ready to fly, up stick and nothing.

I’ve checked everything I can think of so it is time to reach out to the brains trust here. Any ideas??? I’m out of them.

Thanks in advance
The newly updated no fly zone might have detected that you actually were in restricted airspace and prevented the take-off from happening. Just my cents.
Motors don’t spin at all. Have all other control except the motors. Seems weird to me with no other warnings
I’m just going to stop right here before I make an even more idiot of myself Absolute brain snap today. Problem resolved. Thanks
I’m just going to stop right here before I make an even more idiot of myself Absolute brain snap today. Problem resolved. Thanks
If you feel too embarased to tell us what happened I'd like to encourage you to not feel that way. By sharing our mistakes on this forum we all learn and thus avoid making the mistakes other have made.
It was one of this simple things you forget when messing around with other old school RC for a few months. As soon as you said “how do you start it” the memory jolted, pull back BOTH sticks at 45 degrees.......
It was one of this simple things you forget when messing around with other old school RC for a few months. As soon as you said “how do you start it” the memory jolted, pull back BOTH sticks at 45 degrees.......
It happens to old school RC fliers more often than you might think. CSC is invention of DJI ? and fairly new, so nothing to be embarrased about.
Glad you sorted it out.
Thanks again for the jolt ? Just means I need to fly more ??
When we are the damned CSC, I've read some people experiencing issues with CSC when stopping the motors with the drone showing tendency of trying to tip over. I personally never used CSC to stop motors because I always found it to go against my natural instinct to give a "life" drone under power full aileron and elevation stick imput. I always use throttle down and wait three seconds fotr the motors to stop. I feel more at ease with this then with the CSC.
It was one of this simple things you forget when messing around with other old school RC for a few months. As soon as you said “how do you start it” the memory jolted, pull back BOTH sticks at 45 degrees.......
Not just you. I think these types of things aren’t uncommon.
When we are the damned CSC, I've read some people experiencing issues with CSC when stopping the motors with the drone showing tendency of trying to tip over. I personally never used CSC to stop motors because I always found it to go against my natural instinct to give a "life" drone under power full aileron and elevation stick imput. I always use throttle down and wait three seconds fotr the motors to stop. I feel more at ease with this then with the CSC.
Totally agree. We came from the pre-inspire world of the Wookong controller and the csc was the only only way to stop the motors. When the A3 arrived we found that it didn't shut off as quickly as we like and that DJI recommended the CSC as an emergency shut off. It was even an option in the Assistant. But we quickly learned that every time we tried it, it just tipped the vehicle over. A few too many expensive CF props later, we abandoned that "option">

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