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Wireless Interference Problematic Error - Possible Firmware Issue

I never had this issue till recently. Dji ask that I turn off wireless on my iPad and Bluetooth. No luck. Sometimes it even happens before I turn on the drone which leads me to believe it’s their app with the issue. I never have a issue flying but worried I will one day. Then it will be my fault cause the warning piped up. No winning here.
Oh DJI knows, I’ve been in contact with one of their people on the forum and they really are acting like they haven’t a clue, asked me for a video which I haven’t been able Tom provide, but they are def aware
They always ask for a video. IMHO it's a ploy to get you to blow off the case, or at least delay it long enough that they can post it as "solved" because you never get back to them. I read one post were someone's camera would not record video. Of course DJI wanted to see a video to identify the problem. Can't make that up.
I am wondering if DJI have altered the App so that it now reports WiFi interference errors, whereas previous versions did not report it, or maybe had a higher threshold level?

The reason I ask the question is that I do get the error messages if a cellphone or tablet is nearby with either cellular or wifi enabled, but after I switch everything to airplane mode, I do not get any of these warnings at all.

So, please could other pilots check that every electronic device within a hundred meters of the transmitter is switched to airplane mode, no WiFi and no Cellular. Do you still get these error messages or not?

I'll check that out Rob. Rain here on the south coast until Monday pm so hopefully can fly then.

Thanks Simon, I will also report back if ever I get that warning message again. Incidentally two of my preflight operational checks include turning off cellphones, and switching my display monitors to airplane mode.
Same here but in my case it could be interference from the home wifi so I'll try with that switched off and any mobiles in the house also switched off. If good I'll then switch back on one by one and see when the messages reappear.
After going through my flight logs on two of my aircraft I can now confirm that this is occurring with both my Inspire 1 v2, Go app (light bridge) and Mavic Pro, Go 4 app (Occusync) using an iPad Mini 4.
It all started for me beginning 12/3/2017, unfortunately I do not know the date that the DJI Go and Go 4 applications were updated on my iPad Mini. I also recently purchased a DJI CrystalSky 5.5 monitor for the Mavic Pro. It too reports Strong Wireless Interference at my house where I have been flying DJI equipment for over 6 years now. Granted this was using an older iPad and DJI ground station app with a Flamewheel 550 / GoPro and fat shark Wireless video transmitter. The point of this comment is that I have flow in my yard using Go and Go 4 apps since introduced and Dec 12th, 2017 is when I saw it for the first time!
I can also report that when flying in two other locations (huge fields or wide open areas) with either aircraft that I have not received the wireless interference Warning.
I have recently updated both the Crystalsky and iPad Mini 4 To the latest OS and Go/Go 4 applications and will do more testing to see if both devices report this Warning.
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The issue is 100% caused by a buggy app. I flew in the Colombian countryside where I had my furthest flight and the stupid warnings would not stop yet my connection was solid as a rock.
They always ask for a video. IMHO it's a ploy to get you to blow off the case, or at least delay it long enough that they can post it as "solved" because you never get back to them. I read one post were someone's camera would not record video. Of course DJI wanted to see a video to identify the problem. Can't make that up.

On another I2 issue where rear status lights stop working DJI wanted a picture. Ever wake-up and feel like you are in The Twlightzone?
On another I2 issue where rear status lights stop working DJI wanted a picture. Ever wake-up and feel like you are in The Twlightzone?
dadi dada. dadi dada. dadi dada. dadi dada. dadi dada. dadi dada. dadi dada. dadi dada. dadi dada. dadi dada. dadi dada. dadi dada. dadi dada.
They always ask for a video. IMHO it's a ploy to get you to blow off the case, or at least delay it long enough that they can post it as "solved" because you never get back to them. I read one post were someone's camera would not record video. Of course DJI wanted to see a video to identify the problem. Can't make that up.

Yep...they just paste this to each problem post....“so sorry for inconvience please send video I can show our engineers.” Next case.

Took my inspire out for a 1 battery flight. Started everything up in the house first to ensure there are no issues its been a while. In the house, I am getting non-stop wireless interference issue errors and wherever I go. NEVER HAD THIS ERROR IN MY HOUSE IN THE 2 YEARS I HAD MY INSPIRE and probably never outside either. I go to my usual spot where I never have any interference issues open area woods park area, bang! as soon as I start the DJI GO app she starts banging away with these errors.
Did all the calibrating necessary it does not matter. I think there is a problem with this DJI app build... Can anyone shed some light, help or verify. Thank you, this is a mess.

Also during this 1 flight, it goes into atti mode I get compass error but the even after two successful gps calibrations. about 22 degrees outside at the time. Strong wireless Interference errors started at the house and did do a reinstall of the go app and updated my iPad mini prior to flying.

app DJI go 3.1.23
Remote 1.7.80
Fly safe database
In MY DJI I post they basically gave me some cryptic answer which made no sense.... Then said to put the iPad mini into airplane mode which did not make the issue go away i was still getting the errors on both cell and iPad mini.

I just fired up my iPad mini and checked the update and the DJI GO app is asking for an update same with DJI GS Pro for i do not use. Anyone try the DJI Go app update the date for the DJI Go app says Jan 15.
I recall that when I purchased a second radio controller for my I2 and tried to set it up as a slave I had a hell of a time getting them synced. After about 7 tries the radios finally got on the same page. About a month later it occurred to me that at the time I was sitting practically right on top of my dual-band WiFi router, which simultaneously transmits in 2.4 and 5.8Ghz - the same frequency bands as the radio controllers. I cannot help but wonder if that had anything to do with it.

Only once have I gotten the radio interference message while flying but it was disconcerting enough for me to purchase a range-extending panel antenna for my controller, with the hope of being able to simply over-power the signals that are coming from the routers and wireless devices that are everywhere now.

I haven't installed the panel antenna yet, and I'll probably need a good shot of whiskey before i open up my controller for the install. I'm still debating whether I want to risk fooling with the controller when, generally, I don't really have problems.

ALSO, I have to wonder if using my cellphone as a hotspot, in order to use the mapping program while I'm flying (that third view on the tablet), actually creates a rare problem.
I recall that when I purchased a second radio controller for my I2 and tried to set it up as a slave I had a hell of a time getting them synced. After about 7 tries the radios finally got on the same page. About a month later it occurred to me that at the time I was sitting practically right on top of my dual-band WiFi router, which simultaneously transmits in 2.4 and 5.8Ghz - the same frequency bands as the radio controllers. I cannot help but wonder if that had anything to do with it.

Only once have I gotten the radio interference message while flying but it was disconcerting enough for me to purchase a range-extending panel antenna for my controller, with the hope of being able to simply over-power the signals that are coming from the routers and wireless devices that are everywhere now.

I haven't installed the panel antenna yet, and I'll probably need a good shot of whiskey before i open up my controller for the install. I'm still debating whether I want to risk fooling with the controller when, generally, I don't really have problems.

ALSO, I have to wonder if using my cellphone as a hotspot, in order to use the mapping program while I'm flying (that third view on the tablet), actually creates a rare problem.
Hi 924 Good thought I have always used my cell as a hot spot for the i pad mini so I could download the maps. Prior to last Sunday i have never had the wireless interference errors
I recall that when I purchased a second radio controller for my I2 and tried to set it up as a slave I had a hell of a time getting them synced. After about 7 tries the radios finally got on the same page. About a month later it occurred to me that at the time I was sitting practically right on top of my dual-band WiFi router, which simultaneously transmits in 2.4 and 5.8Ghz - the same frequency bands as the radio controllers. I cannot help but wonder if that had anything to do with it.

Only once have I gotten the radio interference message while flying but it was disconcerting enough for me to purchase a range-extending panel antenna for my controller, with the hope of being able to simply over-power the signals that are coming from the routers and wireless devices that are everywhere now.

I haven't installed the panel antenna yet, and I'll probably need a good shot of whiskey before i open up my controller for the install. I'm still debating whether I want to risk fooling with the controller when, generally, I don't really have problems.

ALSO, I have to wonder if using my cellphone as a hotspot, in order to use the mapping program while I'm flying (that third view on the tablet), actually creates a rare problem.
Take a double shot of whiskey before cracking that controller open!

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