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Battery Mod Info

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Hi tcchow.

Thanks for your suggestions .

So the position for the battery on the last picture won't interfere with the camera-view while turned to the rear?

Check this out. This is alternative way to hold the battery.
Today I have made another one to hold the extra battery Go underneath, the thickness can allow the VPS to stay, so it still can be function while I am not flying with extra battery. But when I am flying with the extra I will have to switch the PCS off before I got it out.
Please let me know that what is best flight time wiht your X5?
Please let me know that what is best flight time wiht your X5?
I tell you what, I am still flying with Lipo rules 10 and 10. I only use those extra battery when I am doing long run. The best I did was 9.7km with two 2200mah 45C, I landed at 30% in 23mins. Since I had the X5, I never try and most of the time I only fly 10mins ...... haha
If you want to have more time you should listen to Damon, Fanti and Nick, they have been trying many different brand , mah and sizes, they have got a lot more data than I have.
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Hi tcchow.

Thanks for your suggestions .

So the position for the battery on the last picture won't interfere with the camera-view while turned to the rear?

What so ever you put the battery underneath, it will be blocked. That is why I had it on the arm's.
I tell you what, I am still flying with Lipo rules 10 and 10. I only use those extra battery when I am doing long run. The best I did was 9.7km with two 2200mah 45C, I landed at 30% in 23mins. Since I had the X5, I never try and most of the time I only fly 10mins ...... haha
Thank You for your kind information.:)
Hey Everybody.

I've read it all.
And these over 70 pages are filled with the most constructive postings ever.
So thanks for the good read. I've learned a lot along the way.

I am planning on buying an Inspire 1 Pro X5 mostly for aerial photography and panoramas.
As you all I do not like drones falling out of the blue due to battery failure and also of course short flight times. So I want to apply the battery-mod right from the start.

I presume that the 3d-printed battery holder from Neil will get in the way when I am doing 360 Panoramas. Is that correct?
What would be the best solution for this?
* dual plate with the batteries mounted on the upper side?
* one big Multistar on the rear side behind the TB48? (bad position because of balance?)
* rotate the bird instead of the gimbal? but I would like to avoid this...
* something else?

Your help is appreciated.

Best regards from Germany...


It depends on how you set up the single battery and which battery you use. Removing the VPS helps a lot since it takes up so much space underneath the Inspire. It allows you to move the single battery much closer to the center of the craft once you remove the VPS. You mentioned your applications and I don't think you would have any use for the VPS.

Secondly, you are more than likely correct about the battery being in the way of a panorama if you are only yawing the gimbal and not the craft. I will say that the landing gear will also be in the way if you are looking straight out and not angled downwards. It is surprising how often the landing gear can get in the shot even though it is lifted up out the way. The aircraft is always making small, minor corrections in the air. it causes the landing gear to "dip" down into the shot when these corrections happen. My suggestion would be the 3rd party app AutoPilot from Autoflight Logic. I was pleasantly surprised at how well the app controls the Inspire very carefully when taking panorama shots. It turns the Inspire as opposed to the gimbal.
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It depends on how you set up the single battery and which battery you use. Removing the VPS helps a lot since it takes up so much space underneath the Inspire. It allows you to move the single battery much closer to the center of the craft once you remove the VPS. You mentioned your applications and I don't think you would have any use for the VPS.

Secondly, you are more than likely correct about the battery being in the way of a panorama if you are only yawing the gimbal and not the craft. I will say that the landing gear will also be in the way if you are looking straight out and not angled downwards. It is surprising how often the landing gear can get in the shot even though it is lifted up out the way. The aircraft is always making small, minor corrections in the air. it causes the landing gear to "dip" down into the shot when these corrections happen. My suggestion would be the 3rd party app AutoPilot from Autoflight Logic. I was pleasantly surprised at how well the app controls the Inspire very carefully when taking panorama shots. It turns the Inspire as opposed to the gimbal.

Thanks a lot Nick.
Very useful information for me.

So it seems that rotating the bird instead of the gimbal would be better anyway for shooting
panorama-photos. I am on android. But I saw that with the litchi app you can choose between rotating the gimbal or the inspire too.
If I choose to take Panos that way, every other in this thread suggested position of the battery would be fine then.

But although I have no flight experience with an inspire, I would think that you suggested position without the vps would be optimal for a one-extra-battery-solution.

To sum up:
* remove vps for a more balanced position
* 1 battery like a Multistar 6600
* turning the bird not the gimbal in pano-mode

Sounds got to me :)

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Thanks a lot Nick.
Very useful information for me.

So it seems that rotating the bird instead of the gimbal would be better anyway for shooting
panorama-photos. I am on android. But I saw that with the litchi app you can choose between rotating the gimbal or the inspire too.
If I choose to take Panos that way, every other in this thread suggested position of the battery would be fine then.

But although I have no flight experience with an inspire, I would think that you suggested position without the vps would be optimal for a one-extra-battery-solution.

To sum up:
* remove vps for a more balanced position
* 1 battery like a Multistar 6600
* turning the bird not the gimbal in pano-mode

Sounds got to me :)

Yeah man, you are on the right track.

I definitely notice the 6600 Multistar in the back, but there are two things I want to mention here:

First, I still have the V1 Inspire with the 350KV motors. The 350KV motors lift the Inspire just fine although I can tell the rear lags just a little bit on take off. Once I'm in the air, all is well. I would assume the V2 motors do better, but considering the cost of the Inspire and the expensive camera you are carrying, it is a good idea to take off in a good, open area. Most people do this anyway, but I know prior to using an auxiliary battery I would take off in tight quarters all the time and never think twice about it due to the power and precision of this aircraft.

Secondly, The Multistar 6600 LiHV is long and heavy. I do not notice the rear weight bias when I use my Lectron 5200 Lipo. It's as if I don't have an extra battery on the Inspire at all. Of course, I average an extra 4-5 minutes of flight time when using the Multistar so I prefer using it over smaller Lipos. Still, getting 22 minutes of air time with an X5 camera when I use a smaller lipo is always great. The stock flight time was terrible so simply hitting 20 minutes while carrying this camera has really opened up more possibilities.

Lastly, I should add that I'm using 1448 propellers and not the stock plastic ones. The longer blades with the steeper pitch definitely contribute to lifting power and stabilization in the air. I haven't run the stock propellers in this setup, but I'm fairly certain they would not give the same power or control. You can even go to the Tarot 1455 propellers for even more control and lifting power, but that starts to really eat into your extra flight time.

I have not used Litchi before but I assume it is very similar to Autopilot. Autopilot also has the options to either turn the Inspire or the gimbal. I always turn the aircraft if I'm taking pictures. Might as well. If the camera is looking forward there is no chance of the landing gear getting in the way. The aircraft turns and stops before taking each picture for the panorama. I only go to gimbal control when doing videos. It is a much smoother operation to control the gimbal yaw when focusing on a subject as opposed to having the craft turn, especially in windy conditions (this has been my personal experience). The only problem of course is that the X5 only turns 320 or 330 degrees. Something like that. You always have to be aware where that gimbal stop location is.
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