Im watching this thread with baited breath. I have experienced the same thing with my inspire to the point of not flying it for over a month while I researched why I was dropping not only video but aircraft control. I don't with to contradict the editor because he is extremely knowledgable however my experiences also point to firmware changes and though the auto and custom only applies to the video channel used the light bridge unit indeed handles both video and flight control as all four antennas eminate from the rear of it on the aircraft. I have reclaimed the channels that were available when I purchased my inspire, upgraded remote control antennas(multiple times), added boosters(3w per channel), replaced the remote control and eventually upgraded it also, replaced the light bridge unit in the aircraft, and upgraded the aircraft antennas and coax cables. As a note it was an adventure figuring out what antenna connectors on the controller and on the aircraft are for what system as I'm running different polarizations on each system to avoid booster induced interference. I eventually purchased a very cool and somewhat expensive spectrum analyzer for the wifi so I could study my noise floor and interference. Through this I've yet to obtain the 2km advertised, out ranged my phantom 3, or experienced the range others experience in similar environments. I have gone from 300ft to 400ft before loss to 3000ft to 4000ft before loss. As video uses more bandwidth it always drops first however pushing through merely results in loss of all control approximately 100 feet later. I'm awaiting the latest antennas for my controller which given their incredible beam width and high dbic should push my range past my current batteries. I'll be joining DamonCooper in the quest for flight time and additional mah. The only thing I can say for sure is hard facts and straight answers related to range, penetration, connection, and firmware on the inspire are as rare as four leafed clovers and if I wasn't the type to like a challenge I would have sold the inspire already. My best guess is it is heavily influenced by environment, weather, topography, manufacturing inconsistencies, and firmware hmmmmmmm ahhhhhh "impovements" yep that the word I guess.