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Drones Etc. Using Copyrighted NDVI images and Data from competitors?

May 28, 2015
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Hey guys, AerialMediaPros has been having issues with competitors using copyrighted photos and webpage material for their own website.

The latest is DronesEtc. making carbon copies of our images and website material to relocate precision ag NDVI professionals over to their site. We have worked extremely hard the past 6 months to develop this camera conversion, traveling all over and filming different farms and crops with our new NDVI camera for the Inspire 1 and Phantom 3. We have also been working extensively with DroneDeploy to create some really helpful example maps for our ag users. Drones Etc. has recently been taking images and content off our site and posting it with their duplicate branded products, without even bothering to rewrite the website script. As you can see in the images below, the price for the same items is quite steep so it is very possible that their camera has yet to be developed. Any ideas why they would duplicate our products without even having them in stock? Have any other dealers experienced this, is this common practice for new suppliers?

AerialMediaPros.com NDVI Camera Unit Page​


Drones Etc. NDVI Camera Unit Page​

I would think a registered letter warning them of breach of copyright would be a good step. (Assuming you have a copyright clause/page on your website)
Quite common indeed, although usually people aren't so stupid as to do it unless they are out of reach in another country.

Another possibility is they simply intend to resell your units, have put the stuff online using your media and just wait until they get an actual order to contact you / order some from you.
Drones Etc. has recently been taking images and content off our site and posting it with their duplicate branded products,

Are you sure?

For me this looks like they will order it from you for 1299,- and sell it then for 1898,- when someone orders it at their site.

Whats your problem with that?

You should be thankful if someone makes your product looking a bargain at your site through offering it at a much higher price. Its good for you and a stupid marketing move by Drones etc as everyone who sees this will just keep in mind "Drones etc - expensive". Especially through the example pictures it will be identified as the same product by everyone.

Of course you still can claim the copyright of your photos............
You know if you put a logo watermark on your photos this would not happen. Looks like a cheap attempt to place your ad in the forum to me!
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