Dual transmitter or single transmitter set up for the Inspire ???
Going out o get new inspire but confused wether to choose single or dual transmitter set
Was going to get the dual set up but with latest app update with being able to have full gimball control is it worth going for dual set up for the expensive cost of having 2 controllers or would single set up be fine need to make right choice as cheaper to get dual setup at start rather than later
Pros & cons please & what would you chose from???
Going out o get new inspire but confused wether to choose single or dual transmitter set
Was going to get the dual set up but with latest app update with being able to have full gimball control is it worth going for dual set up for the expensive cost of having 2 controllers or would single set up be fine need to make right choice as cheaper to get dual setup at start rather than later
Pros & cons please & what would you chose from???