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FAA Exemption 333

Feb 27, 2015
Reaction score
Atlanta, GA.
Hello to my fellow inspire pilots. Just joined the site and it's amazing. I'm in the southeast region and looking to use my BRAND NEW Inpire 1 for commercial ops. As you know an FAA Exemption 333 must be submitted for approval prior to operations. I've reviewed those that have been approved thus far. I was wondering if anyone has prepared one and is willing to share their draft. Haven't had the Inspire out yet, just hovered a little in the den. I'm excited.
"By law, any aircraft operation in the national airspace requires a certificated and registered aircraft, a licensed pilot, and operational approval."

COA applications MUST include::

A registration number – all aircraft must be registered with the FAA to be issued a COA.

What...register my Inspire to fly below 100 feet?
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Howard, i currently fly under an FAA approved exemption and i have attached a copy of the public record portion of the application. The petition is fairly straight forward to write if you are familiar with FAA process. In conjunction with the 333 petition application and filing, you need to submit an Operations and Safety manual as well as a Pilot Operating Handbook which is specific to your petition use. it gets fairly complex and i dont know anyone that would "share" the O&S manual or the POH, its a painful process to write them and get approved. google my company name and you will find my website that may help. you can also email me from there with any other questions. You also cannot operate without insurance, you will find a link on my site to a very good insurance company (Highlands Aviation Insurance Agency) they specialize in UAV's and have a lot to offer. My exemption is fairly complex as the approval is for multiple use, one of which is training. if your just looking to do photography it will be a little easier.


there was a dude on rcgroups a day or so ago who said he will sell his paperwork sans his personal info for $300. he has his 333 approved, so you would just need to fill in the personal info, and pay up. he said it took him 2 full days to fill it all out. thats all i know.....
I don't understand why people are selling it...you can see all the approved petitions....most of the ones I read are copy and pasted anyway you can tell because there are points where people forgot to change the aircraft from phantom to inspire or from inspire to phantom...or whatever...
its not the petition, its the manuals that are needed to submit with them, anyone can do the petition to say, find one that has been approved that closely fits your use and sub in the the proper information. Its the process of making the manuals that can be the challenge and those are the documents that are kept close to hart.

People pay money and work hard to have them put together, that is the cost of doing business, if you just hand it out there then you are making much easier for the competition to function in what you are specializing. I have all the credentials however currently I am in the same boat, I am in the midst of putting the paper work together and if you do not have a good example and understanding of FAA procedures its very easy to mess it up.
Howard, i currently fly under an FAA approved exemption and i have attached a copy of the public record portion of the application. The petition is fairly straight forward to write if you are familiar with FAA process. In conjunction with the 333 petition application and filing, you need to submit an Operations and Safety manual as well as a Pilot Operating Handbook which is specific to your petition use. it gets fairly complex and i dont know anyone that would "share" the O&S manual or the POH, its a painful process to write them and get approved. google my company name and you will find my website that may help. you can also email me from there with any other questions. You also cannot operate without insurance, you will find a link on my site to a very good insurance company (Highlands Aviation Insurance Agency) they specialize in UAV's and have a lot to offer. My exemption is fairly complex as the approval is for multiple use, one of which is training. if your just looking to do photography it will be a little easier.
Thanks again Frank for your reply. Interesting thing is I've googled uav poh and a couple have popped up. So moving forward... I'll keepvyouvup to date on how it's going...
Is a private Pilot License still required for exemption? I seem to remember that was changing.
I'm new here so admittedly there are things I don't understand, One being how is it possible for the FAA to make regulations regarding UAS's flying commercially indoors? or any indoor or closed set for that matter. In fact no airspace below 400 feet should be regulated by the FAA except restricted areas. Commercial standards of this type should be the domain of local or State regulations at the most. It just seems a massive overreach to me and will only cause more people to flout regulations.
Thanks for allowing me to share my thoughts here!

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