Hi Eric,
Are you saying you have basically had 3 flyaway situations on different occasions/locations? I might be reading that wrong.
If that is the case you appear to have something fundamentally wrong with your aircraft!
Have you contacted DJI and got the logs to them?
You may have more of an issue than just bad calibration etc. There have been a few instances of faulty flight controllers and if you are saying you still could not control the Inspire after switching to Atti then it does seem to point to flight controller/IMU issues.
Yes three, Agreed. I've got 160 flights with more than 20 hours up approximately 5 minutes of white knuckled flying. I've sent the logs and I'm still waiting on something other than the acknowledgment email from back from DJi. I don't calibrate my compass if my mods are good. After all three situations my readings were off after I landed high & low (1700's,1300's,1700's) and I danced after those three flights. Once back in range I get smooth flights again. I've got a perfectly flat spot that I've done most of my IMU calibrations and like I've said I always check my MODs and only take off after I'm with range... Except for this last time I was in the 1600's and down in the 1500's after take off. Which I've had to do lately at a few different spots, only having issues this last time. The previous two fly offs I took off with perfect readings. The first fly off I was on my 6th battery of the day in the sticks away from everything. The second time, battery two, near buildings and power lines, and this last one, in front of my house, wifi everywhere, first battery, first flight... I don't believe my problems are from external sources. So basically I know I've got a major gremlin running around. I do believe from reading the others that have had issues that we are experiencing strikingly similar problems. Bad batch of FC's, faulty IMU's I don't know. From my 15 years of working on AC (USAF) I do know that "Gremlins" are hard to catch. :-(