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Green corrupted files X7

Jan 27, 2018
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Having flown the I2 with X7 for 18 months or so this happened yesterday for the first time. Looking through the archives I see that it has happened to others, but i don't see a resolution except that DJI said they would fix the bug in an update last year. I am flying with the current firmware. This aberration happened but was not apparent except that it took 5-10 seconds for each raw dng image to resolve before I could take another. Somewhat crippling, since this was a professional media event that lasted 2 minutes.

Any solutions to this, apart from hoping it doesn't happen again? The machine is working fine again now in a test subsequent to the problem.


Any solutions to this, apart from hoping it doesn't happen again? The machine is working fine again now in a test subsequent to the problem.

Hey Rob,
I've had this problem quite a bit over the last year. I've been using my X7 to perform utility inspections and that's where it seems the worst. All I can guess is its related to corruption in the image buffer. My observations are that it is MUCH worse with slower-less expensive microSD cards, and less frequent with micro SD cards that are 32GB and as fast as current, I2 compatible technology supports. Also, it almost never happens when I first start to fly a mission. it usually occurs after 10 minutes or so of image capture (~20-30 images). The ONLY real solution I have found is
1. do a quick media review of what was captured before you move on from a shot to make sure it is not corrupt.
2. when corruption starts, land and re-boot the I2. That always works.
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Many thanks Paul, it's happened a couple of times now, with precisely the same pattern you describe. The tell tale is that images suddenly take 5-10 seconds to process before another can be taken. And I now also use the review button on th eRC - which i never felt the need for before. And rebooting solves it. A pain though, for situations where you cannot readily land. will try with better cards, many thanks for that suggestion.
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Greetings. Has there been any fix to this issue except rebooting I2. Super frustrating. My Inspire does exactly the same?
Went out to do some flights with my I2 x7 yesterday. Did some manual flights, some practice etc. Set up to do a 2 battery mapping mission (using maps made easy) Not long into the flight I started getting a warning about photo capture error. I let the flight continue as it was nearly done. Drone cam back and landed fine. When I got home I had about 20 useable photos out of 130 or so. The rest were all tainted with the green and black issue and totally unusable. This was only a test mission for me to practice with and as such was not important. It would have been a disaster if it had been for a customer.

Whats the deal DJI ? its not useable like this ?
Kind of funny I just went online today for the first time in a while to make a post about this issue... It happened to me for the first time yesterday, so for about 100 total hours on the Inspire so far I can handle that frequency, but it is super annoying.
I noticed as you mentioned the images takes much longer to process, so at least if we remember this we'll know to land immediately and restart.
I am using the highest speed Sandisk card available, the only thing I could think of was it being affected by temperature. I was flying in about -20 with windchill, but then the issue went away upon restart so I doubt that was it.
I have been flying the Inspire 2 capturing Snowscapes with a recently purchased X7 camera and have experienced for the first time the dreaded green file corruption problem. The malfunction seems to share features posted by others having this issue. Namely normal image capture with the X7 until about 7 mins into the flight, when the well recognised several second delay in image capture heralds the image corruption which interestingly in my case is terminated by “pink flash” across the screen during the capture sequence. There is also frame corruption (horizontal line with half captured image) just prior to the error. As I was unsure of the cause of the problem, I landed the aircraft and terminated the flight. The flight was at low ground temperatures (0°C ) recording to a 64gb Sandisk Extreme Pro card. Subsequent testing of the X7 camera revealed completely normal function.

I was wondering if there had been and solutions since the last post or any further advances in our understanding of the issue. This should have already been sorted by now by DJI or maybe they just want to boost sales of the forthcoming Inspire 3! Many thanks for any help or advice.


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I have been flying the Inspire 2 capturing Snowscapes with a recently purchased X7 camera and have experienced for the first time the dreaded green file corruption problem. The malfunction seems to share features posted by others having this issue. Namely normal image capture with the X7 until about 7 mins into the flight, when the well recognised several second delay in image capture heralds the image corruption which interestingly in my case is terminated by “pink flash” across the screen during the capture sequence. There is also frame corruption (horizontal line with half captured image) just prior to the error. As I was unsure of the cause of the problem, I landed the aircraft and terminated the flight. The flight was at low ground temperatures (0°C ) recording to a 64gb Sandisk Extreme Pro card. Subsequent testing of the X7 camera revealed completely normal function.

I was wondering if there had been and solutions since the last post or any further advances in our understanding of the issue. This should have already been sorted by now by DJI or maybe they just want to boost sales of the forthcoming Inspire 3! Many thanks for any help or advice.
NO this problem has not been fixed by DJI and will not be fixed by DJI. The problem occurs on I2/X7's with the ProRes / DNG codec installed and does not occur on I2/X7's without the codec installed. It also does not occur if you use the x5S with or without the codec. Hence why i have 2 I2X7's, one with and one without. An I2X7 with codec will fail while shooting pics, maybe after a short time, maybe during the 2nd battery set, but somewhere in there it will fail if you are shooting stills. You can verify this by just letting the I2X7 sit on the ground and shoot a still every 2 seconds, it will eventually fail. DJI is aware of the problem and has been for a long time. There is no fix coming. The biggest issue is if you are using the I2X7 for PhotoG, the camera slows way down and will shoot a frame (possibly corrupt) every 10 seconds instead of every 2 seconds. You can tell this because the round circle around the white photo button on your iPad or screen will circle / process for that amount of time.
Thank you Ray. That is very helpful and much appreciated. It is disappointing that such an expensive piece of kit has such a serious flaw which DJI seem unable to fix. I may have had second thoughts purchasing the X7 which I use mainly for stills but also video. Perhaps if there was a serious competitor to DJI, customers would invest their hard earned cash elsewhere and the company would look after its loyal customers better.

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