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UK Operator Manual Help for Firmware

Oct 3, 2016
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Devon, UK
Ive just sent our new operators manual to our NQE for ratification, and one point raised was about downgrading the firmware of the I2 / Controller should an "issue" be found with the latest version, etc. I note from the last firmware we can no longer easily do this - how have others got round this issue in their manuals ?

Many thanks
Ive just sent our new operators manual to our NQE for ratification, and one point raised was about downgrading the firmware of the I2 / Controller should an "issue" be found with the latest version, etc. I note from the last firmware we can no longer easily do this - how have others got round this issue in their manuals ?

Many thanks
Assume this is your first operations manual submission? (Otherwise why is your NQE even seeing it)?
Simple - never put anything in there about downgrading in the first place. Just take it out. If it isn't in there it is not an operational requirement you need to follow.
Assume this is your first operations manual submission? (Otherwise why is your NQE even seeing it)?
Simple - never put anything in there about downgrading in the first place. Just take it out. If it isn't in there it is not an operational requirement you need to follow.
Many thanks - the manual has taken months to write (due to personal reasons) - but yes, as you say it is the first one.
And avoid saying you'll upgrade to latest version too. Safest approach is to keep it woolly. When upgrades are released you will review the impacts based on forums etc. and decide whether or not to proceed.

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