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Please help with RC issues

Aug 7, 2016
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Just got new Inspire 1 Pro and initial set up on the master RC seemed to work fine. Also did successful FW update on both RCs. Now, master remote beeps red with all white lights and says it needs recalibration gal out every start up. After that, works fine. Slave works perfectly, but the gimbal doesn't work with the sticks. It did work one time. Is it a sequencing issue? Driving me CRAZY after working on this for several hours today! PLEASE HELP!! New to the Inspire and thinking there are major bugs.

If you were able to upgrade both controllers you may just have reset the slave as below.

Turn on the Master controller then your Tablet or other viewing device followed by the the Inspire. After confirming the Master controller and Inspire are operating normally turn on the Slave then the slave's viewing device. Make sure the Slave controller is set to "Slave".

Remember that the Controllers return to default after an upgrade, I reset my Slave sticks under the "Custom" settings that I prefer for my Slave. I then did the search for Master and put in the master name and pass code.

The final thing is to request control from the Master from the Slave.

It appears everything for me is working as normal but I have not taken a flight yet.

I will tomorrow. 8/8

I hope this makes sense. I am pretty tired.
Thank you! I have done everything EXCEPT request control. I will try that today. Fingers crossed.

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