I'm trying to push the limit on the distance for a one-way flight with my Inspire 1. I have seen some impressive posts with some incredible distances, but the drones are always being returned to where they started. I want to do the opposite by sending the drone as far as it can go without returning to the starting point.
To give a little bit of background, I have a friend who has an Inspire 1 and who introduced me to this very fun hobby! He has been following some forums and installed a set of aftermarket antennas on his remote control. He mentioned that some people have have been able to keep signal with their Inspire 1 up to six miles away. Whether it's true or not, it got the wheels turning in my head.
With some rough math and knowing the average life of a single battery charge, I believe that the Inspire 1 should be able to fly five or six miles without an issue. Ideally, I'd like to set a home point for the drone, take it a long way away from that location while turned on, and simply send it home via the remote. Unfortunately, it doesn't quite work that way because it is my understanding that the home point of the drone is set when the motors are started. I don't have any interest in transporting the drone while the motors are running.
Other than taking the remote as far away as possible without losing signal, starting the motors, and triggering the Return to Home command with the controller's location set as home, are there any other ways to accomplish this? I'm honestly not concerned about not making it and landing in a parking lot or something. I would love to film six miles of autopilot footage and just sit back and watch technology do its thing.
Any thoughts would be appreciated! Thank you for your time!
To give a little bit of background, I have a friend who has an Inspire 1 and who introduced me to this very fun hobby! He has been following some forums and installed a set of aftermarket antennas on his remote control. He mentioned that some people have have been able to keep signal with their Inspire 1 up to six miles away. Whether it's true or not, it got the wheels turning in my head.
With some rough math and knowing the average life of a single battery charge, I believe that the Inspire 1 should be able to fly five or six miles without an issue. Ideally, I'd like to set a home point for the drone, take it a long way away from that location while turned on, and simply send it home via the remote. Unfortunately, it doesn't quite work that way because it is my understanding that the home point of the drone is set when the motors are started. I don't have any interest in transporting the drone while the motors are running.
Other than taking the remote as far away as possible without losing signal, starting the motors, and triggering the Return to Home command with the controller's location set as home, are there any other ways to accomplish this? I'm honestly not concerned about not making it and landing in a parking lot or something. I would love to film six miles of autopilot footage and just sit back and watch technology do its thing.
Any thoughts would be appreciated! Thank you for your time!