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Ronin-MX Firmware Update Issues

Jul 1, 2018
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Virginia Beach, Virginia USA
I'm at my wits end with a M600/Ronin-MX/Sony a7R IV. It's been out of service for 8 months and a day. Came back yesterday after 3 weeks in DJI Service with same problem it left with... cannot take a photo or start/stop video from Remote Controller.

With M600 OFF, using DJI GB (Gimbal) App version 2.5 from 7/17/2017, USB cable from computer to Ronin-MX frame, in Upgrade Tab of App, it is impossible to update Remote Start/Stop from version 0.0 to current 2.5. The update fails and it says "power cycle and retry." I've done that scores of times.

Have also replaced the RSS unit itself, the IR emitter going to the a7R IV IR receiver window on the grip, the RSS power cable and DJI replaced a "Remote" module.

DJI has not said the a7R IV is incapable of being controlled.

This M600 had flown for several years with an a7R II with no IR control issues with RSS, but the a7R II stopped working after at shoot 8/31/19 and won't work with the a7R IV. According to Foto Tech and their Sony IR remote the IR is compatible between the II and IV and lots of others:
  • Wireless Shutter Release -Trigger the cameras shutter release remotely from a distance
  • Compatible with Sony Alpha A7R IV, A7III, A7R III, A9, A7R II, A7 II, A7, A7R,A7S II,A7S, A6600 A6500 A6400 A6300 A6000 A55 A65 A77 A99 A900 A700 A580 A560 A550 A500 A450 A390 A380,NEX-7 NEX-6 NEX

  • I suspect the software/firmware is the culprit, but don't know how to fix it. I'll appreciate any suggestions, links to workable software, anything....
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It's a known problem with the RSS unit not working until the firmware is updated.

Have you tried to update the ronin mx from different computer and OS?

I guess DJI have tried to do that update on their own and if they were not successful why they didn't replaced whatever is necessary for this setup to start working?
It's a known problem with the RSS unit not working until the firmware is updated.

Have you tried to update the ronin mx from different computer and OS?

I guess DJI have tried to do that update on their own and if they were not successful why they didn't replaced whatever is necessary for this setup to start working?
Niki, yes, have tried to update the RSS from 5 different computers.; 4 Macs with varied versions of macOSX and one Windows machine..... all got the message “update failed..power-cycle and retry.” Over the 8 month ordeal, I must have attempted the update 50-100 times.... transporting it from my 3 Macs to two other locations for different Macs and Windows machines.
Dear Chris: I feel your pain. You have gone to the ends of patience with this issue and DJI. Inexplicable that DJI cannot be timely or more helpful. Surely they have technicians versed in these issues. They should fly one of their people to VA Beach as a personal consult. Full Stop. And pay you for you as a consultant, who has brought professional and thorough redundancy in attempts to make the system work.


Niki, yes, have tried to update the RSS from 5 different computers.; 4 Macs with varied versions of macOSX and one Windows machine..... all got the message “update failed..power-cycle and retry.” Over the 8 month ordeal, I must have attempted the update 50-100 times.... transporting it from my 3 Macs to two other locations for different Macs and Windows machines.
Have you tried to connect the RSS to another ronin mx and then to run the update? If you get that done maybe the updated unit could start working on your ronin as well.
Have you tried to connect the RSS to another ronin mx and then to run the update? If you get that done maybe the updated unit could start working on your ronin as well.
Niki, I have a good friend who shoots his 8k RED on a Ronin-MX. I think your idea is worth trying. We tried updating mine using two Macs at his studio, but maybe using the App on one of his computers will get through to one of my two RSS devices. Thanks for the thought.

You may be interested in comments following my note of repair displeasure: Following the County of Los Angeles “Safer at Home Order For Control of COVID-19” and the Executive Order from the State of California to stay at home, and in following the guidance on how to prevent the spread of COVID-19 from the California Department of Public Health, we regret to inform you that we have decided to minimize our repair operations in California. Some product repairs and shipment times are expected to be delayed or suspended. Thank you for your understanding and support.
Haven’t updated my Ronin-MX since last FW which is pretty old... but I thought I recall being able to update through the mobile App... the App is also old and I think I used a older iOS iphone to run app. Made connection and pushed update.

I don’t recall if the DJI Asst (version for Ronon-MX) was successful... but I’ve always had better luck with Win10 on Bootcamp compared to running on Mac OS. The Mac OS X side (4 Macs) tend to be more problematic with DJI Asst... although direct booting (not VM) Bootcamp Win10 is normally more stable than my Surface Pro 2018.

That all said, I don’t recall where or what article. When I was considering a A7R4, I found several articles or forum threads indicating the 4 wasn’t as compatible as the 3 with many legacy software or hardware. I’ve retained my A7R3 primarily for compatibility with the RoninMX, M600Pro and 3rd party tools: Aircomander and intelli-G. The Aircommander can use the IR and I think it’s site noted not compatible with A7R4... the last time I looked was when the R4 was relatively new.

Even back when RoninMX was new, I don’t think the DJI start/stop or trigger worked very good. The 2 3rd party provided so much more control and flexibility. Combine with DJI SRW-60G wireless HDMI, might be a nice addition for your project.

dougcjohn, thanks for weighing in on the Ronin-MX RSS dialog. It has been an 8 month 8 day nightmare with horrible DJI Support. I'm on the verge of flying the M600 off the Virginia coast, cutting power and contributing a smallish artificial reef. There are little specks of promise from several directions so I'm holding off reef-building to explore a couple. Intelli-G sounded promising when I checked with them last year and they weren't ready for the a7r4. Time to re-check. My RSS and SRW-60G performed fairly flawlessly firing the a7r2 for years, then the RSS went south o/a September 1, 2019. I'm guessing the Assistant 2 Gimbal v2.5 App wiped the firmware and nothing will get it back on the original RSS, a replacement purchase from B&H NY AND a DJI Waranty replacement of that RSS after a few weeks of the B&H RSS not working. I think the Assistant v2.5 wiped the firmware on all three RSS and five different computers, 4 with varied macOSX versions and one Windows 10 PC could not get the firmware back. In addition, I replaced every physical piece (some twice) of the RSS circuit, one at a time to rule out cable and IR emitter failures. I've sent RSSs to DJI Support with no luck and then the whole Ronin-MX took the roundtrip from VA to CA. It returned last Thursday, supposedly repaired and tested and perfectly non-working. The M600 files well, just doesn't capture video or stills as intended.


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dougcjohn, thanks for weighing in on the Ronin-MX RSS dialog. It has been an 8 month 8 day nightmare with horrible DJI Support. I'm on the verge of flying the M600 off the Virginia coast, cutting power and contributing a smallish artificial reef. There are little specks of promise from several directions so I'm holding off reef-building to explore a couple. Intelli-G sounded promising when I checked with them last year and they weren't ready for the a7r4. Time to re-check. My RSS and SRW-60G performed fairly flawlessly firing the a7r2 for years, then the RSS went south o/a September 1, 2019. I'm guessing the Assistant 2 Gimbal v2.5 App wiped the firmware and nothing will get it back on the original RSS, a replacement purchase from B&H NY AND a DJI Waranty replacement of that RSS after a few weeks of the B&H RSS not working. I think the Assistant v2.5 wiped the firmware on all three RSS and five different computers, 4 with varied macOSX versions and one Windows 10 PC could not get the firmware back. In addition, I replaced every physical piece (some twice) of the RSS circuit, one at a time to rule out cable and IR emitter failures. I've sent RSSs to DJI Support with no luck and then the whole Ronin-MX took the roundtrip from VA to CA. It returned last Thursday, supposedly repaired and tested and perfectly non-working. The M600 files well, just doesn't capture video or stills as intended.
Chris, I feel your pain... the frustrations mount up with these platforms, particularly the M600, RoninMX setup. The intelli-G took some fussing even for the A7R3... video transmission was great, but control was poor until I moved the controls to different switches. The AirCommander is used by a few fellow Posters, and to me regarding the Sony brand looks like the best solution. That is next on my list when the M600Pro (and Modified S1000) get back into the project list.

Hang in there... we're told the greater the challenge, the greater the reward! As you fly toward the cliff... bring her home and walk away for a bit. Sounds like you've had a super setup... almost there with the refresh.

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