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Video Cache on Crystal Sky

Mar 6, 2017
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Flying today, I was constantly getting the message "Video cache has stopped because there is not enough storage space. You can enable Auto Cache Clear or manually delete cache to get enough space.

I assumed that the two SD card slots in the crystalsky would help out with video cache, but have not found a way to tell the app to write anything there. So...what's it for.

We were trying to review footage and found that the bulk of what we'd shot did not appear to be available, and I"m assuming that was the reason, that the video cache was stopped.

1) Where is the video that you playback on your monitoring device (ipad or crystalsky) actually written.
2) Is there a way to have it write to the SD Card or cards so I have more available for instant review?

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Flying today, I was constantly getting the message "Video cache has stopped because there is not enough storage space. You can enable Auto Cache Clear or manually delete cache to get enough space.

I assumed that the two SD card slots in the crystalsky would help out with video cache, but have not found a way to tell the app to write anything there. So...what's it for.

We were trying to review footage and found that the bulk of what we'd shot did not appear to be available, and I"m assuming that was the reason, that the video cache was stopped.

1) Where is the video that you playback on your monitoring device (ipad or crystalsky) actually written.
2) Is there a way to have it write to the SD Card or cards so I have more available for instant review?

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Video cache is only stored on the internal CS memory under the DJI App folder, you can not set it to record directly to the SD card.
Nuts. It makes sense to me that the two SD card slots would allow me to cache more video locally. But so be it. How do I clear the cache then?
Nuts. It makes sense to me that the two SD card slots would allow me to cache more video locally. But so be it. How do I clear the cache then?
Hi guys, I know this thread is months old, but I am now having the same problem. These past two days I have been filming on an Island off the coast of Ireland. I have just bought a Panasonic Lumix 14-42 lens and was using that on my Inspire 2. Just got back home and found I only have 1/2 the footage I KNEW I have taken. I did several clear cashe as instructed in the message. I have a fast micro sd card in the I2. This has just started since I attached the new lens. Any ideas?
Nuts. It makes sense to me that the two SD card slots would allow me to cache more video locally. But so be it. How do I clear the cache then?
Addition, I am also using the Crystal Sky

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