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Geofencing to prevent flyways?

May 14, 2015
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Just curious if there are any really smart folks out there who might have come up with a way to program in a geofence to prevent flyaways.

In other words, you could create a "bubble" around your immediate flight area that has both altitude and distance restrictions. If the platform takes off on a flyaway if it reaches the bubble limits, it would just land.

Thanks in advance...
There are settings in the DJI GO app to set both your maximum distance and altitude. Wouldn't that do the trick?
Flyaways is usually due to the drone do not know where it is. Because, the compass and / or GPS has wrong values.
So I do not see how a geofence could be helpful, when it is activated by the GPS.
Just curious if there are any really smart folks out there who might have come up with a way to program in a geofence to prevent flyaways.

In other words, you could create a "bubble" around your immediate flight area that has both altitude and distance restrictions. If the platform takes off on a flyaway if it reaches the bubble limits, it would just land.

Thanks in advance...
Would not work I'm afraid. Most true flyaways are caused by an IMU accelerometer malfunction or the user calibrating the compass badly and experiencing TBE and not knowing what to do in that case.
The only way this could be avoided is to build in three IMU's into a multirotor (similar to how commercial aircraft work).
The flight controller would then take a 'vote' as to which two IMU's are giving valid data. As soon as one starts to go out of kilter and the other two are reading the same, the flight controller would ascertain that the bad reading one was faulty (that's why you need three and not two otherwise the FC would not know which was giving the erroneous data).
It will happen one day but at the moment is too expensive and complex to have in 'domestic' UAV's
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