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Getting paid?

Jan 12, 2015
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Opportunity to film a resort. Can I legally except money for filming? I'm charging 100.00 u.s. for 1 battery for 2 operators. From there I'm gone advertise/solicit what I've done to other places, my start. Is this legal In the USA I don't need the faa on my azz though. Otherwise I can wait but don't want to blow my first chance to get paid.
****, Im pretty positive I can get 8 hrs 7 days a week at 200 hundred per hr for 2 operators. If I wait they gone get somebody else. My present job don't pay that good. This is like 80's drug dealer money. I'm mad bro! The customer looked at me like are you sure you want to turn down this money. I'm gone need a lawyer
Unless the FAA office is next door, you'll get thru this project with no problems. Take the money.
Hovtech is probably right.
You'll be joining the ranks of many, many violators that the FAA is not yet equipped to detect.
Be safe, and don't do anything foolish.
I'm not sure how far the circulation of this document has gotten:
slim.slamma, time to quiet down about this and stay off the radar, IYKWIM...;)
Definitely keep it below the radar. .I wouldn't suggest advertising other than word of mouth. . You should be ok unless someone rats you out..
Did someone say the faa is in the process of making it easier. .right now it's easier. .when the rules come out its a bunch of hoops to jump through. .
quite frankly I think most of the FAAs purposed regulations are malarkey. .speak up know about how you feel about these guidelines before they are written in stone.. because when they become law it will take an act of god to reverse.
In time there will be advances in blos that will allow us to operate safety. .
.the only one that makes scenes to me is the hight restrictions. .
As usual the us gov wants to make criminals out of us for trying to make a living. .I believe in free interprise without over regulations. .when a business becomes over regulated it takes opertunity away from people without a lot of money behind them..that's how the rich want it.. because they have the ability and resources to make a legal business. .this stops free trade imo..
guy has drone ..guy finds job..guy does job..guy collects money..this is how simple it should be to make money in the usa.
thanks but I don't need my government getting in the way of me making money. .I'll give them their cut after I get mine..
turbo. .
****, Im pretty positive I can get 8 hrs 7 days a week at 200 hundred per hr for 2 operators. If I wait they gone get somebody else. My present job don't pay that good. This is like 80's drug dealer money.

Do drug dealers make sure all legal prerequisites are met before getting the green light for their business?

That pretty much answers your questions and concerns. You're welcome, bro. I won't even charge you for the advice. :p
Which drug dealers are we talking about?? Budweiser, marboro, Mc Donalds, doctors, or a guy who sells pot..
which is worse?? I don't condone any drug that hurts people like heroin, crank,molly, designer drugs ,bath salts ,fake weed,should I go on..
alcohol is probably the worst drug in the e world and unfortunately alcohol ruins about half of the people's lives who use it ..and it's legal..
cigarettes kill 360,000 people a year and it's legal. .
let's face it our laws are bs made to serve the rich..
The black market for drugs exists because it's illegal and someone wants to use it..it's that simple..by making something illegal you create a market. .the government knows this and loves it..
they make tons of money off of putting people in jail..it's a money making business all the way from the cop to the judge to the gard to the suppliers of the prisons the construction of prisons ..it goes on and on..
right now in America there's more than 500,000 non violent drug a fenders in prison in the usa at a cost of 33 thousand a year..
wouldnt it be better to educate and rehabilitate in stead of incarcerate our fellow Americans? ?
Wake up America!!!
Stop the hate and try and relate ..
Plenty of people are making money this way. Just do not go making a tv or radio commercial about it. Word of mouth goes a long way.
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Opportunity to film a resort. Can I legally except money for filming? I'm charging 100.00 u.s. for 1 battery for 2 operators. From there I'm gone advertise/solicit what I've done to other places, my start. Is this legal In the USA I don't need the faa on my azz though. Otherwise I can wait but don't want to blow my first chance to get paid.
$100 bucks dude you could make 10 times that amount, dont underestimate ur cost. i can make up to 1700 a video for a 3 min video of aerials....100 bucks lol i hope u enjoy eating at mcdonalds... 4000 dollar vehicle crashes and what does 100 do for you lol
See Dronelawjournal.com (quote below). Personally, I've retained my own lawyer and had them draft a letter for my clients and for local enforcement authorities so they'll leave me alone while the new regs are being drafted.

"In November 2014, the NTSB held (in the Pirker case addressed below), that drones are "aircraft," as the word is defined under federal statutes and regulations, and therefore, FAR 91.13 (the regulatory prohibition of careless or reckless aircraft operations) applies to drones. Although the FAA asserts that all FARs apply to drones, in the NTSB's decision, the Board did not expressly hold that any other FAR applies to drones. The relevant portion of FAR 91.13 reads:

"No person may operate an aircraft in a careless or reckless manner so as to endanger the life or property of another."

There is no federal statute, and no other federal regulation (other than 91.13, that is) that is codified in our bodies of law, that specifically applies to drones and that is currently applicable to the general public."​
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I am in a situation myself with this. I have a local Police Department wanting to hire me to provide aerial overwatch services for their department while serving high risk warrants. In a nutshell, hover the unit over rural or secluded homes or location providing live video feed for an officer to monitor while officers serve the warrant. I am also working on fitting my inspire with an IR camera. The city wants to pay for my services, but we are concerned about the FAA regs or lack there of. Government agencies are exempt, but they do not believe this applies to contractors. If any one has any experience with government operations as a contractor, please let me know. I will do the same as I learn more.
Hey Bmilligan, I'm involved in SAR and I've been interested in fitting a Thermo imaging camera to my drone for wide area search operations. Are you doing IR or Thermo imaging and are you flying an inspire?
I would like to do Thermo, but finding a camera/sensor with enough range to pick up usable images from 150'. I am using an inspire. I was wanting to try and attach the Thermal camera side by side with the regular camera. If I could develop a way to switch between the two, that would be optimal.
I agree 100$ is silly low. If you have never been paid to shoot photos or video before I can see how you might be excited, but honestly I'd probably charge at least 1,000$ for any two minute video. Think about the time it will take you to edit and everything too.

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