Which drug dealers are we talking about?? Budweiser, marboro, Mc Donalds, doctors, or a guy who sells pot..
which is worse?? I don't condone any drug that hurts people like heroin, crank,molly, designer drugs ,bath salts ,fake weed,should I go on..
alcohol is probably the worst drug in the e world and unfortunately alcohol ruins about half of the people's lives who use it ..and it's legal..
cigarettes kill 360,000 people a year and it's legal. .
let's face it our laws are bs made to serve the rich..
The black market for drugs exists because it's illegal and someone wants to use it..it's that simple..by making something illegal you create a market. .the government knows this and loves it..
they make tons of money off of putting people in jail..it's a money making business all the way from the cop to the judge to the gard to the suppliers of the prisons the construction of prisons ..it goes on and on..
right now in America there's more than 500,000 non violent drug a fenders in prison in the usa at a cost of 33 thousand a year..
wouldnt it be better to educate and rehabilitate in stead of incarcerate our fellow Americans? ?
Wake up America!!!
Stop the hate and try and relate ..