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Inspire 2+x7 Firmware update 01.02.0200 problems

Jul 4, 2017
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In my case it was not easy to install. With DJI Assistent and DJI Go both failed at first attempt. Tried without x7 - update worked out sucessfully. After mounting the x7 the app asked for update of the RC. All fine now but I asked myself what about the x7 - is it updated too?

In flight evrything seems to be normal but strange error messages appeared for a split second so I could hardly read...something like "redundant sencor trouble"

Moreover a couple of times " landgear rasing, landing gear lowering" This message appeared in flight only

I never had this bevore FW 01.02.0200. Does anyone in here have similar problems?
We had the same problem on the weekend with our Inspire 2. We got the error "IMU redundancy switch" error and also "landing gear raising, landing gear lowering" constantly while flying. The error won't go away even after performing an IMU calibration. How can we be expected to operate commercially with these unstable firmware updates DJI...
In my case I selected to use the new ProRess Raw mid flight clients watching little banner saying it was not supported, landed and the option no where to be found I agree with jiz85
How can we be expected to operate commercially with these unstable firmware updates DJI...
In my case I selected to use the new ProRess Raw mid flight clients watching little banner saying it was not supported, landed and the option no where to be found I agree with jiz85
How can we be expected to operate commercially with these unstable firmware updates DJI...
Test first. While not always fool-proof it goes a long way.
In my case it was not easy to install. With DJI Assistent and DJI Go both failed at first attempt. Tried without x7 - update worked out sucessfully. After mounting the x7 the app asked for update of the RC. All fine now but I asked myself what about the x7 - is it updated too?

In flight evrything seems to be normal but strange error messages appeared for a split second so I could hardly read...something like "redundant sencor trouble"

Moreover a couple of times " landgear rasing, landing gear lowering" This message appeared in flight only

I never had this bevore FW 01.02.0200. Does anyone in here have similar problems?
I'm having serious problems my camera doesn't even work anymore I can't fly it the camera was getting hot and was jammed up. Then I tried to keep updating then the camera kept spinning then I shut it down then I was finally got the camera to stop now it doesn't work anymore and like you said I would be flying and I would get popup messages that you couldn't read I'm really pissed I just bought the cendence remote it was working but not everything including the popups. Now I have a 10.000 dollar piece of junk that doesn't work
I'm having serious problems my camera doesn't even work anymore I can't fly it the camera was getting hot and was jammed up. Then I tried to keep updating then the camera kept spinning then I shut it down then I was finally got the camera to stop now it doesn't work anymore and like you said I would be flying and I would get popup messages that you couldn't read I'm really pissed I just bought the cendence remote it was working but not everything including the popups. Now I have a 10.000 dollar piece of junk that doesn't work
I upgraded an X5S and it seems to do OK. I'm afraid of upgrading an X7, especially after reading this. Can you roll it back?
Im not sure if there's still an issue with my I2 or not... It managed about 3hrs flight time over a couple of days without throwing up any of the issues I'd experienced before... only change is that I've updated Dji Go 4 to the latest version, might just be coincidence!

Only other way of clearing the continuos misinformation messages seems to be either to ignore the,, or to roll back the firmware to the previous version.
We're getting the same problems with our Inspire 2 + X7 Combo. IMU error and Landing Gear Up/Down, and we're also getting terrible gimbal drift to the left and right. I generally wait a loooong time before upgrading firmware, however out clients wanted ProRes Raw so I hesitantly upgraded. What a big mistake. I've done everything from re-installing firmware, restore factory settings, IMU calibration, sensor calibration, gimbal calibration, but to no avail. For now we're stuck with malfunctioning unit until DJI provides another update. If you haven't already upgraded to the new firmware, HOLD OFF AND WAIT.
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Has DJI confirmed that they know about the issues? If so, have they said when the fix might arrive?

I've posted about it over on the DJI thread and I'm currently engaged in conversation with an administrator. All they've done so far is ask what my firmware versions are on all the differing parts i.e. aircraft, camera, remote, app, crystal sky etc etc. I will report back once I hear from them with more info
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Well glad I'm not alone in this. LOL I had the same issues with the signal being weak and broken and the darn landing gear alerts. I'm downgrading back to April's firmware as we speak. Arggghhhhh. I really wish that DJI would try their firmware on themselves before releasing to the world. Just glad it landed safely and didn't get damaged.
Well some good news to report. Michael at @Florida Drone Supply provided me some great advice. He recommended to do a Restore Factory Defaults from the DJI Assistant App. So I did the following steps and it worked for me.

  1. Started with April's Firmware installed
  2. Completed the Restore Factory Defaults from the DJI Assistant App
  3. Installed the July Firmware Update
  4. Test flew - It resolved my X5S Gimbal Horizon Tilt issue and weak stuttering video feed but still had the landing gear up/down alerts after flying for a 3-4 minutes doing some fast flying and tight turns
  5. Took back inside and completed the Restore Factory Defaults from the DJI Assistant App with the July Firmware installed
  6. Re-Test Flight - Flew without issue. No landing gear alerts, gimbal was solid horizon and video signal was strong with no intermittent feeds.
Weather is coming in so I will have to do more testing later in the week here in Austin. I'll let you know how it goes. Maybe that Restore to Factory Defaults will be the secret sauce. I've honestly never used that button before.
I flew some more today and unfortunately the alerts came back. The horizon tilt was rock solid though.

I've determined that this only happens if I'm in Sport or ATTI mode. If I'm in GPS mode it works fine. No alerts. And in Sport or ATTI mode, it's when I'm doing fast turns or it seems to be impacted by winds from the side. The gear doesn't seem to move at all, but I get an alert that says Landing Gear Raising. I think it starts to say Landing Gear Lowering but gets cutoff immediately with Landing Gear Raising.
Has DJI confirmed that they know about the issues? If so, have they said when the fix might arrive?
After posting on the DJI forum, the DJI administrators have acknowledged that there is indeed a bug/problem with the current firmware and they have instructed us to downgrade the firmware until further notice. Here is what they said:

"Hello. Thank you for providing this information to us. I was able to check with our engineers, and I have confirmed that this new firmware is a bug. Please kindly downgrade the firmware and use the old firmware first. Our engineers are currently trying to fix it. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience that may have caused you. We will keep you updated once it's fixed. Thank you for your understanding. - Administrator DJI Wanda"

If you haven't already updated your Inspire 2 Firmware to 01.02.0100/.0200 with either the X7 or X5S Cameras, DO NOT INSTALL THE UPDATE. DJI has acknowledged that there are some serious bugs in the current firmware that are causing multiple problems, and even crashes. Until they provide a new update, you will need to downgrade your firmware .
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Does anyone know when DJI will release the updated FW? Was hoping it and the Battery station FW would be out by now

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