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No Signal after the latest update

Jul 9, 2015
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I made the mistake of upgrading the remote controller before reading the release notes "Be sure to upgrade the aircraft before upgrading the remote controller or the aircraft may not exit Transport mode properly"

I upgraded the controller through the app and now the aircraft will not link. It says NO SIGNAL. When I turn the aircraft on, the camera goes to about 30 degrees starboard off the nose and the lights blink and then hold a steady blue. It does the same thing with the chip and upgrade file in the camera, or with the camera disconnected.

I tried using the second controller that hasn't been upgraded and it just tells me that a firmware upgrade is required. I deleted the DJI Go app and reinstalled it on the ipad and it tells me to upgrade the firmware on the controller but nothing about the aircraft. The aircraft just sits there with a solid blue light.

Any ideas? it's as if the aircraft and controller no longer speak the same language - which I assume is what is happening because of the changing of the encryption.

Thanks in advance for any help. I searched the site but could not find an answer.

Guess what DroneManDan ... me too! Just got busy, didn't read as thoroughly as usual, saw the upgrade message on the controller, noticed no warnings on there, let it do the upgrade, all completed as expected then no connection with drone. Like you, tried to use secondary controller as a master. No joy. The camera displays to both controllers, but I can't control the drone. Seriously annoyed with myself!!

Yup ... I've been searching too and no answers yet.

Chris :-(
I started up the controller with my tablet attached and the drone powered on.

On the main DJI GO screen, hold the Hat symbol in the top right corner of the screen. (The mortar board - the icon that takes you to the Academy). Don't tap the icon, hold it. This will open up another screen from which you can select to downgrade your controller.

Once downgraded, apply upgrades in the proper order.

I'm all up to date now and everything seems fine.
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I started up the controller with my tablet attached and the drone powered on.

On the main DJI GO screen, hold the Hat symbol in the top right corner of the screen. (The mortar board - the icon that takes you to the Academy). Don't tap the icon, hold it. This will open up another screen from which you can select to downgrade your controller.

Once downgraded, apply upgrades in the proper order.

I'm all up to date now and everything seems fine.

I tried downgrading the controller. The aircraft still shows NO SIGNAL. When I tried upgrading the aircraft using the chip in the camera, the aircraft acts as if it can't read it. I have used 3 different chips, 2 of which I had previously used to upgrade the aircraft, to no avail. Why would the aircraft not want to read the chip? It just does the same thing...camera goes 30 degrees to the right and solid blue light.

I am at my wits end! I am stuck with a $3000 anchor at this point!
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I tried downgrading the controller. The aircraft still shows NO SIGNAL. When I tried upgrading the aircraft using the chip in the camera, the aircraft acts as if it can't read it. I have used 3 different chips, 2 of which I had previously used to upgrade the aircraft, to no avail. Why would the aircraft not want to read the chip? It just does the same thing...camera goes 30 degrees to the right and solid blue light.

I am at my wits end! I am stuck with a $3000 anchor at this point!

Make sure your .bin file reads like this, WM610_FW_V01.08.01.00.bin with no -1 or -2 or anything after the main file name.
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I tried downgrading the controller. The aircraft still shows NO SIGNAL. When I tried upgrading the aircraft using the chip in the camera, the aircraft acts as if it can't read it. I have used 3 different chips, 2 of which I had previously used to upgrade the aircraft, to no avail. Why would the aircraft not want to read the chip? It just does the same thing...camera goes 30 degrees to the right and solid blue light.

I am at my wits end! I am stuck with a $3000 anchor at this point!
Oh no! Tell me, did the controller downgrade complete successfully? That was the first thing to do.

With this downgrade I was able to check versions of drone, camera etc and everything seemed fine.

Next, I made sure my SD card was empty and checked online for the latest firmware. Unpacked this and made sure the .bin file was the only file on the card.

With controller off, I then powered up the drone with card in camera.

This all seemed to work fine. All batteries updated, drone and camera.
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I downgraded the controller to 1.5.80 and that went fine. When I turn on the aircraft, the controller goes from "Aircraft Disconnected" to "No Signal". There is no picture on the iPad. When I select the top status bar, it shows that the Controller needs updating and gives me an option to download the latest version. It also shows that the aircraft and battery needs updating. I power everything down, including the controller, put the card in the camera, and then power up just the aircraft. No change. Solid blue light. I disconnected the camera and reconnected several times. It is as if the aircraft can no longer read from the camera. What am I doing wrong?
I downgraded the controller to 1.5.80 and that went fine. When I turn on the aircraft, the controller goes from "Aircraft Disconnected" to "No Signal". There is no picture on the iPad. When I select the top status bar, it shows that the Controller needs updating and gives me an option to download the latest version. It also shows that the aircraft and battery needs updating. I power everything down, including the controller, put the card in the camera, and then power up just the aircraft. No change. Solid blue light. I disconnected the camera and reconnected several times. It is as if the aircraft can no longer read from the camera. What am I doing wrong?

It certainly does sound as though there's something with the camera, or camera connection. I assume all contacts are clean and free of dirt/dust?

The downgrade of the controller went well, and seemed to provide connectivity with the drone. Just you were unable to view images from the camera. Certainly seems there's something amiss with camera or the way it is connected. I'm really not sure what to do now except get help from supplier. I would just make make sure all connections are clean and check the camera is properly mounted. I have had occasions when I failed to mount the camera correctly ... hard to believe this is happening with you as you have mounted and unmounted the camera several times already.

So sorry I can't make any useful suggestions :-(
I'm having trouble with a new inspire 1 pro (0 flight time) after upgrade. The controller is unable to connect to the aircraft on the new 1.8.1 firmware. I did do the upgrade out of sequence and wanted to downgrade the controller to reestablish connectivity, but the trick to downgrade fails when i try to "upgrade" to the older firmware on the controller. FWIW, the aircraft is successfully upgraded at this point per the log file on the SD card. Any ideas on how to downgrade when a failure is reported? thanks

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