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New Follow Me Mode Goes Erratic

Nov 21, 2015
Reaction score
Laguna Woods, California
12262015 Update:
Ok, Dji posted the update (2015.12.22) which only has battery thermal updates, nothing new on FOLLOW ME function. So, I did another flight test to prove it. FOLLOW ME still performs erratically when in dual controller mode!! It will perform with a single controller.

Sidenote: the DJI Release notes show the "All-in-One" firmware update to be v1.6.0.40 and the IOS version to be v2.4.2 but after the firmware installation my IOS version went to 2.4.3. Did anyone else running an IOS get these results?

12082015 Update
Ok, I just upgraded my I1 to the latest DJI software package and here is what I have installed: APP 2.4.2, AC, RC 1.5.70 and Camera So after this update I did some test flights with POI and Follow Me. The POI worked as expected, set point at 10 meters and radius at 5 meters and would not let me fly below the set limits. I'm OK with that. But as soon as I switched to Follow Me, the I1 went erratic, side to side and rotating uncontrollably. And Yes, I was in a clear open space away from high power lines. Immediately switched to "P" mode and landed. When I called DJI tech support I told them I was running the latest firmware update ( with dual controllers), they said they have never heard of this issue.

Has anyone seen this before or know what is causing it? Plan to test fly Follow Me again today. Will post results and hope it is not a crash report.

12102015 Update
So, testing dual controller today! Started with just a single controller (After successful POI) and Follow Me worked as advertised. However it was very slow to respond to changes in movement of the controller. Having said that I was flying very low like 5 meters and running in multiple directions. Inspire tried to keep up, but was jerky and slow. Now, turned on the SLAVE controller and everything went erratic, just like the first time. So, quick switch to GPS-P mode and land immediately. ALL of these symptoms seem to support DJI's SDK functions for Follow Me are flawed. I think it is too early to rule out the new POI.
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Thanks SanCap,
Hope a crash was not part of your results. Were you running dual controllers? I was going to try this today with a single controller. I am just guessing since DJI says they have never heard of this with firmware upgrade

Just a side note on the firmware upgrade. The file ID on their website says, but when you download and look at the binary it says "WM610_FW_V01.05.00.30.bin". When I asked DJI why the file id and the binary did not match (like in the 1.4 upgrade), I could not get a straight answer. What was your experience?
Ok, I just upgraded my I1 to the latest DJI software package and here is what I have installed: APP 2.4.2, AC, RC 1.5.70 and Camera So after this update I did some test flights with POI and Follow Me. The POI worked as expected, set point at 10 meters and radius at 5 meters and would not let me fly below the set limits. I'm OK with that. But as soon as I switched to Follow Me, the I1 went erratic, side to side and rotating uncontrollably. And Yes, I was in a clear open space away from high power lines. Immediately switched to "P" mode and landed. When I called DJI tech support I told them I was running the latest firmware update ( with dual controllers), they said they have never heard of this issue.

Has anyone seen this before or know what is causing it? Plan to test fly Follow Me again today. Will post results and hope it is not a crash report.
Yup - its for reasons such as this that I believe DJI should not have given into pressure and implemented follow me on the Inspire platform.
It's the same reason I will never engage it - EVER.
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Yup - its for reasons such as this that I believe DJI should not have given into pressure and implemented follow me on the Inspire platform.
It's the same reason I will never engage it - EVER.

Even the POI for me makes the Inspire wobble around like a drunken sparrow.

3rd party apps that use their own FC implementations (Autopilot only so far I believe) are much better at POI and Follow Me.

3rd party apps that use the DJI POI and Follow Me SDK functions will have the same issues.
Thanks SanCap,
Hope a crash was not part of your results. Were you running dual controllers? I was going to try this today with a single controller. I am just guessing since DJI says they have never heard of this with firmware upgrade

Just a side note on the firmware upgrade. The file ID on their website says, but when you download and look at the binary it says "WM610_FW_V01.05.00.30.bin". When I asked DJI why the file id and the binary did not match (like in the 1.4 upgrade), I could not get a straight answer. What was your experience?

Single controller, no crash, latest firmware. As soon as it starting jerking around in the air I flipped the switch back to P-gps.
Even the POI for me makes the Inspire wobble around like a drunken sparrow.

3rd party apps that use their own FC implementations (Autopilot only so far I believe) are much better at POI and Follow Me.

3rd party apps that use the DJI POI and Follow Me SDK functions will have the same issues.

My DJI POI is rock steady.
I played around with it several times today... with mixed results...
I was on foot and just walking around with it engaged... o_O

Once it went crazy like others have said above... Kinda scary what all it did... :eek:
I may have onboard video of that... Will check on that later today... :p
(on edit #1... I do have onboard footage of this!!)
I was ready on the mode switch... and it stopped midair when flipped... :oops:

Once it seemed to work 100% correctly... followed me around like a puppy... :cool:
(on edit #1... have footage of this too)

All the other tries... it was sluggish and not tracking my movements all that well... :(

Not impressed or amused overall... would not "use" it... as it's seems too flaky at this time... :confused:

(on edit #1... will process and post some YouTube footage of both good and bad later tonight)

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(on edit #2... video posted... )
"Follow Me" function examples from today... First 1:35 shows it working basically 'ok' during one test of the function... at 1:36 till the end is another try where the Drone went nuts as soon as I enabled... The gimbal took out most of the craziness seen during the event... It was shaking like crazy and running away from me in a hurry... stopped when I switched back to P-GPS...
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Single controller, no crash, latest firmware. As soon as it starting jerking around in the air I flipped the switch back to P-gps.
Thanks for the feedback SanCap, I was using and iPhone 6+ and an iPad Air 2. Are you on the Android platform?

So, testing dual controller today! Started with just a single controller (After successful POI) and Follow Me worked as advertised. However it was very slow to respond to changes in movement of the controller. Having said that I was flying very low like 5 meters and running in multiple directions. Inspire tried to keep up, but was jerky and slow. Now, turned on the SLAVE controller and everything went erratic, just like the first time. So, quick switch to GPS-P mode and land immediately. ALL of these symptoms seem to support DJI's SDK functions for Follow Me are flawed. I think it is too early to rule out the new POI.
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Thanks for the feedback SanCap, I was using and iPhone 6+ and an iPad Air 2. Are you on the Android platform?

So, testing dual controller today! Started with just a single controller (After successful POI) and Follow Me worked as advertised. However it was very slow to respond to changes in movement of the controller. Having said that I was flying very low like 5 meters and running in multiple directions. Inspire tried to keep up, but was jerky and slow. Now, turned on the SLAVE controller and everything went erratic, just like the first time. So, quick switch to GPS-P mode and land immediately. ALL of these symptoms seem to support DJI's SDK functions for Follow Me are flawed. I think it is too early to rule out the new POI.

I am using an iPad Mini 4 with wifi and cellular. I tried it with my Samsung S6 edge android phone and had the same jerky results on follow me.
Yup - its for reasons such as this that I believe DJI should not have given into pressure and implemented follow me on the Inspire platform.
It's the same reason I will never engage it - EVER.
Can I read between the lines here and assume that it works ok on other DJI platforms?
I believe P3 folks are mostly happy with it yes
So why is there a difference? The only difference I can think of would come from interpreting the position of the aircraft from the X3 with the added yaw movement.
Other than that, surely a good coder could sort it out.
Posted video up above as promised... ;)
And that last part is NOT sped up... it shook like hell and hauled *** away from me at over 30mph... :eek::eek:
I recall seeing 34mph indicated about the time I flipped the switch back to P-GPS... o_O
Lucky for me there is nothing but open fields off in that direction and height... :p
It was an overcast and dreary day... typical midwest US in middle of December... :rolleyes:
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Posted video up above as promised... ;)
And that last part is NOT sped up... it shook like hell and hauled *** away from me at over 30mph... :eek::eek:
I recall seeing 34mph indicated about the time I flipped the switch back to P-GPS... o_O
Lucky for me there is nothing but open fields off in that direction and height... :p

WOW, not fun eh?
I wonder if it uses the GPS in the reciever as the follow point, or if it is done with image recognition. If the latter, im surprised it could even follow you when you are such a small percentage of the image.
Perhaps try from not so far away?
WOW, not fun eh?
I wonder if it uses the GPS in the reciever as the follow point, or if it is done with image recognition. If the latter, im surprised it could even follow you when you are such a small percentage of the image.
Perhaps try from not so far away?

Nope... surprised me... could not believe what I was seeing at first... :confused:
Let it run a bit once it looked like was not about to crash right away...
Glanced down at the iPad for clues after noticed it speeding up... :eek:
Flipped the switch about the time it was getting small in a hurry...

I was led to believe it was using the GPS in my tablet (iPad Air 2 in this case) from what I have read elsewhere...
I tried a couple times up closer and a bit lower... those resulted in the sloppy tracking I mentioned up above...
After that one event... I was a bit gun shy to push it closer and below nearby objects...:p
A lot of upcoming quads are boasting follow me as an option. Some are even advertising it as the main function of the their new platforms. I still say this is a terrible idea. I do not have that update but never plan to try it anyway. Until the sense and avoid technology is better than the follow me tech, I'm out.
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A lot of upcoming quads are boasting follow me as an option. Some are even advertising it as the main function of the their new platforms. I still say this is a terrible idea. I do not have that update but never plan to try it anyway. Until the sense and avoid technology is better than the follow me tech, I'm out.
Agree totally. I don't want to see the shadow of the AC much less a shot with me in the frame.
Selfie sticks are bad enough. People running around in cars being chased by their AC... No thank you
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I wonder if it uses the GPS in the reciever as the follow point, or if it is done with image recognition.
It obviously uses GPS.
Now the question is does it uses the mobile device's GPS, or does it try to use the one in the RC that is notoriously imprecise. On the P3 there's no GPS on the RC, so no choice but to use the (much better) one in the mobile device. Could explain the difference.

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