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New iOS GO App 2.7.2 released (15 Apr 16)

Mar 29, 2015
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Buckie, Scotland, UK
DJI has released a new version of the GO app 2.7.2 via the Apple App Store.

This has a redesigned user interface 'for easier controls and a nicer look' and an overhauled flight records system 'making every flight count'. The first has moved the dialog boxes to the right of the screen and hides the flight and battery data when displayed - you lose the battery percentage when then the battery details are on screen. The second adds some trivial stats (with errors) and reduces the readable of the flight information summary. It claims I have flown in Ghana, Africa (lat 0 long 0).

It adds a new Home Point option allowing return to the current position when Home Point is far away. A lowered power consumption is claimed along with several smaller bug fixes.

Users may wish to hold off on this update if you are happy with your current app version.
Echo the comments above.
Overall, I do not actually see this as an 'improvement'
It appears DJI try their hardest to mess something up if it is already functional and provide a good user experience.
They appear to have unsubscribed from the school of "If it ain't broke don't fix it" and seem to want to change things all the time even when unnecessary.
If you are an update junkie, go ahead, if not and you are happy with your current version - stay put.
DJI has released a new version of the GO app 2.7.2 via the Apple App Store.

This has a redesigned user interface 'for easier controls and a nicer look' and an overhauled flight records system 'making every flight count'. The first has moved the dialog boxes to the right of the screen and hides the flight and battery data when displayed - you lose the battery percentage when then the battery details are on screen. The second adds some trivial stats (with errors) and reduces the readable of the flight information summary. It claims I have flown in Ghana, Africa (lat 0 long 0).

It adds a new Home Point option allowing return to the current position when Home Point is far away. A lowered power consumption is claimed along with several smaller bug fixes.

Users may wish to hold off on this update if you are happy with your current app version.

Someone stated they put the Home Point Setting back on the main screen in this new 2.7.2 update--

I don't see it there on any of my IOS devices --Mini 3-Mini 4-Air 2

Anyone else seeing this back on their main screen?


Having received a new iPad Pro (the smaller version), had no choice but to use the new iOS GO app. I posted the video results in the video section. There are a few subtle changes to the app, and I found it harder to keep track of battery voltage, but the software was stable, no disconnections or lags. Incidentally, I found NO difference between the visibility of the iPad Pro versus the iPad Air 2 in a real-life situation, reflected glare was similar and speed of processing was similar. I did not find the home point setting on the front page, unless I missed something.
My apple pro is not giving me clear images on the screen. It all looks out if focus including the imsges I take but when downloaded to computer the images are sharp
You may find that you are viewing the same resolution used for iPad Mini and Air stretched to your larger screen. It will look less sharp.
I think the app is like 780 not clear when enlarged to apple pro size. Defeats the purpose of larger tablet?
You have a screen resolution of 2732 x 2048 pixels but the video link is only specified as 720p HD (3:1 ratio). Even the iPad Mini and Air 2 are 2048 x 1536 pixels (2:1 ratio).
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I've not got the option for the home location on the home screen either, unless the option to put it there is buried away somewhere in the menu? missing that from the home screen.
DJI has released a new version of the GO app 2.7.2 via the Apple App Store.

This has a redesigned user interface 'for easier controls and a nicer look' and an overhauled flight records system 'making every flight count'. The first has moved the dialog boxes to the right of the screen and hides the flight and battery data when displayed - you lose the battery percentage when then the battery details are on screen. The second adds some trivial stats (with errors) and reduces the readable of the flight information summary. It claims I have flown in Ghana, Africa (lat 0 long 0).

It adds a new Home Point option allowing return to the current position when Home Point is far away. A lowered power consumption is claimed along with several smaller bug fixes.

Users may wish to hold off on this update if you are happy with your current app version.
Can you elaborate on "making every flight count"? I didnt realize something wasnt gettng logged before?
Can you elaborate on "making every flight count"? I didnt realize something wasnt gettng logged before?

the flightlog is a mess. i am on 2.4 i think and not touching any update :D
when betting my second unit i was not able to rename or separate the logs from the first unit... support told me there is no way to clear up my five flight logs... - i only have two inspires -
there was a thread in here where one user found out where the app is connecting to and up or downloading. another user found out a way to get and go app version - if The Editor or Mazz might look it up and repost or share the link to it some people might be very happy. :)
I hate this new app but my devise updated it automatically April 15th. I now have bad connectivity when flying and the signal is dropping out at 25 feet away !
Always switch off automatic app updating to avoid this future.

Are you sure it is the app and not the RC and aircraft FW updates? Report to DJI.

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